Support the GAFP Political Action Campaign Committee! Is your name on this list?

Drs. George Arimah, Karla Booker, Srinivas Bramhadevi, Karen Bullington, Mike Busman, Chip Cowart, Mark L. Daniel, H. Gordan Davis, Chastity R. Ducksworth, Clifford Dunn, Kim Eubanks, Tom Fausett, D. Paul Fieseler, Gary Fischer, Edwin Flournoy, Jairaj Goberdhan, Julia Hendrich, Wayne Hoffman, Matthew L. Jenkins, Evelyn Johnson, Bruce LeClair, James Lemley, Steven Lucks, Sean Lynch, Ronald McLean, Rolf Meinhold, Michael Miles, Thomas J. Miller, Harold Moore, Kerry Neises, Brian Nadolne, Ifechukwude Nwadei, Chetan Patel, Sherma Peter, Wilhelmina Prinssen, Eddie Richardson, Rodrigo Sanchez, Ted Scoggins, Vandana Setia, George Shannon, Susan Shayes, Michael Sims, David Sowell, Jeff Stone, Donald Thomas, Rachel Gordon Velez, John Vu, W. Steven Wilson, Rick Wherry.

(GAFP PAC Donors as of May 20, 2015)

The Georgia Academy of Family Physicians is the only association in the state of Georgia solely dedicated to advocating for OUR profession and patients.

GAFP PAC supports candidates who are sympathetic to the cause of promoting quality health care and family medicine in Georgia. GAFP PAC is nonpartisan and provides education to all who seek public office.  A candidate’s commitment to the values of family medicine determines the support from the GAFP PAC.

Join YOUR GAFP PAC and make a contribution today. Join YOUR GAFP PAC, encourage our colleagues to join with you, and wear the PAC donor ribbon proudly!

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