Tar Wars Community Leader Spotlight- Therese McGuire

Therese McGuire
Program Specialist, Health & Physical Education
Georgia Department of Education

What is the mission of your organization?

Offering a holistic education to each and every child in our state.

What is your primary role and how does it fit into your organizational mission?

My role is to support health education and physical education.  A big part of that support is to provide access to Georgia-owned and Georgia-grown standards, as well as teacher access to high-quality instructional resources and support.  It is rewarding to support health and physical education as such an important piece of the mission toward a holistic education.

What is a favorite story/quote that you have related to your job?

There is not just one specific situation.  I love then when someone asks me what I do and then goes on to share a story of a great teacher or classroom experience in their physical education or health education class.


Are there any trends that you are seeing with students in Georgia, either positive and/or negative?

Students have so much access to information and that continues to grow.  It is important with all the available information sources for students it is important that information is reliable.  Our new health education standards address that need.


How do anti-tobacco and vaping resources help with your mission?

They provide valuable resources for teachers.  Ultimately quality resources contribute to students with the skills to lead healthy lives.  The resources really do support students as they make choices to avoid health risks.


Based on your experience, what are some ways that community organizations can work together to improve the overall health of students in Georgia?

There are many ways.  Health covers so many topics.  Organizations that provide aligned resources such as the Georgia Healthy Family Alliance Tar Wars program have such a positive impact and broad reach.  When the offered resources include teacher and student information that is even better. No two classrooms, schools or school systems are exactly the same so the working together piece is essential.

What is your favorite movie of all time?

I love the Sound of Music every time I see it.

If someone were to visit your community, what are some “can’t miss” restaurants and other things to see and do?

I would say don’t miss out on Georgia outdoors.  Our state parks, lakes, hiking and biking trails are amazing.


Outside of work, what hobbies do you enjoy?

I enjoy time with family and friends, walking, swimming, and golf.  This spring I am going to give vegetable gardening a try.

Want to bring the Tar Wars program to students in your community?  Reach out to Abbey Carr at acarr@gafp.org to find out how to plug in!